For those not already aware, the company I was working for decided to pick up stumps and move to Phoenix. I was invited, but had to graciously decline their offer. So for weeks now I have been scrambling to find a new position.
It seems as though the worm has finally, finally turned.
Enter the Fishkin/Muessig clan who introduced me to Dennis Yu, CEO of BlitzLocal who wanted to talk with me about the possibility of my writing Facebook ads for them. The meeting was very productive indeed, and concluded with Dennis offering me the position of Director of Client Services at BlitzLocal, a considerable leap from writing ads!
I can’t begin to tell you how ecstatic I am, but I have a long and serious learning curve here that extends to building a strong working knowledge of SEO SEM and SES with particular emphasis on social media, (especially within Facebook) as well as solid understanding of the many tools and programs developed at Blitzlocal. It is a daunting task but a task at which I am determined to succeed.
The position was offered to me at 9pm Monday night on Tuesday at 3pm I attended a client meeting in Portland and from the 16th-20th I’m attending the SES Conference and Expo in San Francisco.
TBS will be in hiatus for a good time to come, not through lack of passion or will to continue, its simply the case that moving forward is of paramount importance and of course I am thrilled to be part of the BlitzLocal team. I will continue posting to the TBS FB page and will post updates both personal and TBS related as they occur.
I also told Dennis of my vacation/adventure plans so Burning Man remains on the agenda, as each day passes I have more and more to be excited about. An exciting new challenge and a long awaited vacation. I’m working furiously at conquering the FB ad beast, meanwhile I’ve got the cooler, the camelback and my beach cruiser bike is fully fur pimped (photos will be upped next post). I’m ready to hit the playa – only 29 days ’til the man burns! Woooo-hooooo! Life is at long last looking up!
I’ll leave you with some more BM images to go on with.
Ciao for now.