The Dame

No one makes me laugh harder than Dame Edna. At her best The Dame is as good as it gets… and in the first half of this she is in sparkling form – the second half isn’t bad either … but the first half had me in tears.

For those who are seeking slightly more substance from this blog than the video arcade its been over the last few days, I promise a posting of substance tomorrow.

Til then laugh your head off with the fabulous Dame Edna Everage.

About Simon

Simon Houghton creator of The Bloke Show started life as a baby, going on to become a boy and then a man, at which time he became an actor. As time passed he went on to be a director, later still he became a sales guy, then a business owner. Most recently he regressed and became a writer. Then a driver, then an actor again. Decisiveness is not one of his strong suits.
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