Entering the blogosphere

The Bloke Show has launched and is careering through the blogosphere as I type. The site has just been upgraded and I’ve installed some widgets and plug-ins to allow me to see how we are going. Here’s the news – Since Feb 25 we have had just shy of 400 visitors – which (to me) is truly remarkable. Somewhere between 15 and 40 people a day have visited the site, 20 % of those people have looked at more than one page, very encouraging. The US provides the bulk of the visitors followed by the UK and Australia, which is quite surprising, as the majority of visitors on the FB fan page are from Australia.

People from over 20 countries have visited the site including people from Germany, Netherlands, Mauritius, The Russian Federation, Switzerland, New Zealand, The Republic of Moldova, Canada, Finland, Indonesia, France Luxembourg, Latvia, Belgium, Brazil, Myanmar and the Czech Republic.

In the real world these numbers are so small as to not even create the smallest blip on any radar, but for a site thats biggest marketing effort has been to syndicate with an FB app called Networked Blogs – the result isn’t half bad.

The Bloke Show intends to continue its completely random heading through the Blogosphere, flying through the bloggy cosmos in the face of conventional wisdom that states we should clearly define what the blog is about. This directionless missile is up for anything, so if you would like to contribute a post or an idea or want a soapbox of sorts – here we are. If you have a painting,a photograph, a story or event you want to let the world know about – hellloooo , we are hurtling past your doorstep. We expect to find a direction in the next, oh I don’t know, ten years or so. Maybe we’ll find a path, maybe we won’t but its all in the name of fun anyhow. So feel welcome to contribute (or not) although any and all feedback is very much appreciated.

In the next couple of days the intrepid soul at the helm of this vacillating craft will post a new entry.

Til then ciao to my fellow travelers.


About Simon

Simon Houghton creator of The Bloke Show started life as a baby, going on to become a boy and then a man, at which time he became an actor. As time passed he went on to be a director, later still he became a sales guy, then a business owner. Most recently he regressed and became a writer. Then a driver, then an actor again. Decisiveness is not one of his strong suits.
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